How Can Children with O-Shape Legs Be Improved?

At the age of two, the child was diagnosed with O-shaped legs at a maternal and child health center. The main symptoms are that when running or walking, the feet are slightly turned outwards, and there is a significant gap between the knees when the feet are brought together. The doctor recommended wearing an orthotic device for correction, but it hasn’t been tried yet. Will the condition improve on its own as the child grows older?
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How Can Elbow Periostitis Be Treated More Effectively?

Periostitis is a condition caused by the enlargement, congestion, edema, or hematoma of periosteum and periosteal blood vessels, as well as by the proliferation and inflammatory changes of the periosteum. It can result from a slow periosteal injury or an infectious periosteal damage caused by the invasion of pus-forming bacteria. It is recommended to use topical medications for treatment, and internally, patients can take herbal medicines that soothe muscle stiffness, reduce swelling, relieve pain, promote blood circulation, eliminate blood stasis, dispel wind and dispel cold. It is suggested that patients pay attention to their diet and avoid spicy foods. Rest more!
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How Children Can Supplement Calcium

Children can benefit from calcium supplementation by eating more deep-sea fish, shrimp, and soy products. For example, you can give them shrimp and carrot stir-fry or tofu seaweed soup. If a child has weak resistance, frequently gets colds and fevers, and experiences night sweats, it’s best to take them to the hospital for a trace element test. There may be a severe calcium deficiency, in which case you can give them Dikao or calcium gluconate for a period of time. Also, encourage them to get plenty of sunlight exposure to promote calcium absorption.
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