Do I Absolutely Need a Bone Marrow Transplant?

Only M3 leukemia requires no bone marrow transplant; chemotherapy alone has a high success rate. Of course, there are other types of leukemia that can be treated with chemotherapy, but these cases are rare. For chronic myeloid leukemia, initial medication can control the condition, but if conditions allow, bone marrow transplant is still recommended. The transplant usually involves a high-dose chemotherapy session in an isolation chamber followed by the infusion of stem cells. You will need to stay in the isolation chamber for about a month, and then you will also need to stay in the hospital for some time after that. The length of hospital stay depends on individual circumstances. If you are planning to undergo a bone marrow transplant surgery, I recommend that you consult with your doctor in detail and ensure you have an appropriate match.
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Do You Absolutely Need to Drain Hydrocele Fluid?

Hydrocele fluid accumulation in the tunica vaginalis, known as hydrocele, is a common condition typically treated through high-position drainage surgery. The purpose of the surgery is to perform high-position drainage at the internal ring, to cut off the downward flow of abdominal fluid, and not to resolve the lower hernia sac. Hydrocele rarely recurs after surgical treatment, but incorrect diagnosis of congenital hydrocele or incomplete removal of multilocular hernia may lead to complications.
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Do You Need Surgery for Osteomylitis Pain?

In the case of osteomylitis pain, surgery is generally not required. It is recommended to adopt rest, keep warm, avoid overloading the area, take symptomatic anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications, and combine physical therapy. Additionally, you can use external invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis (TCM) ointment and continue with cold compresses daily.
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