Child’s left ankle fibula fracture, this is an X-ray taken after casting, discussing the doctor’s recommendations and potential complications
A child’s left lower leg has a small bone fracture with a bump, showing a 5-mm long shadow on the main bone, suspected of being a pseudarthrosis of the tibia.
A child’s ribs are more prominent on one side than the other, causing concern among parents about potential health impacts
Offer dietary suggestions for children after a fracture
This article describes the recovery of a child who suffered a leg injury in a car accident and provides professional advice.
What should you do if a child develops a small swelling on their neck?
Possible Causes and Diagnostic Suggestions for Children’s Nosebleeds
Pediatric skull repair typically recommends the use of high-stability PEEK materials due to their ability to better restore the growth and development of the natural skull, and facilitate observation of the recovery process after surgery.
Fracture treatment methods and dietary suggestions for patients
Children with rickets who develop saddle-shaped skulls often do so due to calcium deficiency, which can be treated with oral cod liver oil and calcium gluconate.