15-Year-Old Boy Experiences Unusual Walking, Seeks Treatment Advice

A 15-year-old boy has been walking abnormally since around the age of 9, unable to walk properly for three years now. Despite family efforts to seek medical help, the exact cause has not been diagnosed. Some doctors speculate it may be due to hereditary factors, but there are no similar cases in the family history. When he sits on a chair, there are no obvious abnormalities, and his body and limbs appear normal. The family is very worried and does not want him to suffer lifelong disabilities. What kind of disease might this be? Where can he receive effective treatment?
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3-Year-Old Child Limping: Dislocation Symptoms and Treatment

A 3-year-old child limped after playing with toy cars, initially thought to be a bump. By the third day, the pain seemed severe, and a check-up revealed a hip dislocation. The child has undergone reduction treatment and has been on bed rest for three days now. On the fourth day, the right leg still has a slight bend, but it’s better than before. The question is, how long will it take to walk normally? The child has always disliked jumping and bouncing. Will he be unable to do so in the future? What precautions should be taken besides these? (The child has never fractured before.)
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