Can a Nine-Month-Old Baby Eat Boiled Eggs?

For a nine-month-old baby, the amount of eggs should be gradually increased from a small quantity, starting with a quarter of an egg, and can be increased gradually if there are no allergic reactions. Generally, steamed eggs may be more suitable for babies, and they should not be overcooked. A little sesame oil and a pinch of salt can be added after steaming. Picky eating and lack of appetite in babies may be due to zinc deficiency. It is recommended to supplement zinc-rich foods such as egg yolks and seafood, and consider giving the baby health supplements containing zinc and selenium.
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Can a One-Year-Old Baby Eat Abalone Roe?

One-year-old babies can eat abalone roe, and it can be paired with other ingredients such as soft noodles, egg custard, tofu, rice porridge, various chopped vegetables, fish meat, minced lean meat, and so on. Starting from grains, gradually expand to vegetables, fruits, fish meat, poultry eggs, and dairy products. You can also choose some baby nutrition supplement products.
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