Newborns should start supplementing vitamin D after 14 days to prevent rickets.
The best treatment for girls with precocious puberty involves using high doses of sex hormones to inhibit the secretion of hypothalamic-pituitary gonadotropin, and may require additional medication to stabilize adult height.
Is a blood lead level of 95.9mg/L in a 5-year-old child normal, and does it indicate high lead levels?
For infants, using cod liver oil can help avoid the risks of fat malabsorption and diarrhea, and sunbathing is also an important way to obtain vitamin D.
Explore how to enhance a baby’s immunity through colostrum and balanced diet.
If a child shows signs of sexual organ development after the age of 10, it’s no longer considered early puberty. With the improved nutrition and increased hormones in food, children are developing earlier. Menstruation at the age of 10 is no longer considered early puberty, so there’s no need to worry. Early menstruation may also be irregular. Girls experiencing menstruation before the age of 8 are considered to have early puberty, which is no longer the case now. They can still grow taller, so there’s no need to be overly concerned. Children are currently in their growth phase, so it’s important to ensure proper nutrition and exercise. Pay attention to dietary structure and safety.
A detailed explanation of breast development issues in children with precocious puberty
Offering advice for mixed breast milk and formula feeding
Can breast milk that has not been expressed in 12 hours still be consumed? How should the storage time of breast milk be arranged?
Does menstruation during breastfeeding affect the nutrition of the milk?