Baby Needs Soothing Before Bed, What to Do?

Many parents face the issue of their children needing to be soothed before bedtime. Experts suggest that this can be addressed by establishing good sleep habits, observing the child’s physical condition, and providing necessary nutrition.
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Baby Not Sleeping, Reasons for Half-Closed Eyes While Sleeping and Solutions

A two-month-old baby rarely sleeps during the day and starts to exhibit body twitches and crying from 3 to 7 AM at night, appearing in pain. This occurs even while feeding, and the baby prefers to be held by adults to sleep, waking up when placed down, often with half-closed eyes. After examination, it was found that trace elements are not lacking, but experts suggest it may be due to a calcium deficiency, asking for advice on how to handle it and whether further calcium supplementation is needed.
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