How to assist hyperactive children in improving their focus and maintaining calmness?
Your child cries when going to daycare, how can you help them adapt to the new environment?
Understanding the causes and improvement methods of children’s constipation
Offer methods and suggestions for improving children’s picky eating habits.
How to Help Children Break the Habit of Eating Their Fingers
Offer treatment suggestions for a child who is overweight and dislikes eating vegetables
A 14-year-old boy is 150cm tall, with normal weight, no other abnormalities found, inquiring about the solutions for dwarfism.
Selenium deficiency in children can be managed through dietary supplements or by taking selenium-containing supplements as prescribed by a doctor. It is recommended to consume more seafood, animal liver and kidneys, egg products, and nuts, which are rich in selenium.
Understanding a baby’s development from their ability to stand and walk independently to language comprehension and mimicking actions, grasp the key indicators of infant and toddler growth.
My son was 2 years old when he started growing hair like a beard. Now he’s 5 weeks old, and the hair is getting thicker, almost resembling a beard. He also has many uncolored hair tufts on his forehead, back, and legs. I’m wondering if this is precocious puberty. I’m very worried and hope the doctor can help answer. Do we need to do any tests?