Do Newborns Lose Hair?

The newborn’s lanugo may fall off due to friction with the head and pillow, but if the extent of hair loss exceeds the nape area, it may be necessary to check for a lack of trace elements.
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Is It Normal for Newborns to Have Red Skin?

Newborns have thin skin and blood vessels close to the surface, causing their skin to appear red at birth. This is a normal phenomenon, and after a few days, the color of the baby’s skin will gradually fade and turn paler.
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Possible Causes and Treatments for Black Lips in Newborns

Blackening of a newborn’s lips may be caused by kidney deficiency or Qi deficiency. It is recommended to supplement kidney essence and Qi, and the use of Shen Gui Lu Rou Wan can be considered for treatment. This medicine has the effects of replenishing kidney essence and benefiting Qi, which can have certain effects on both kidney deficiency and Qi deficiency. Additionally, as newborns are susceptible to various diseases, it is crucial for mothers to take their children to a doctor promptly for treatment. Blindly using small advertisement drugs should be avoided, and medication should be used rationally. For parents, timely attention to their child’s condition is essential, and they should do their best to help their children receive timely treatment for diseases.
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