Discuss the professional diagnosis and comprehensive treatment recommendations for pediatric ADHD by the Neurology Department of Beijing Angel Children’s Hospital.
A parent inquires about the difficulty in making a 24-hour EEG appointment at Beijing Children’s Hospital, mentioning that their child experienced seizures in April 2013 and has had two similar episodes recently.
Treatment for Bell’s palsy typically requires 2 to 3 weeks, with the specific recovery time varying from person to person. Pay attention to facial warmth, consider acupuncture treatment, and maintain a cheerful mood to promote the recovery of neural function.
Offers treatment methods and dietary suggestions for brain vascular obstruction
This site provides information on hospitals in Harbin specializing in psoriasis treatment
Finding the Best Hospital for Phenylketonuria Treatment
Discussing which hospitals have the best outcomes in treating pediatric cerebral palsy
Treatment and medication recommendations for baby shingles
Explore the rankings of neurosurgical hospitals in China and the methods for treating congenital mental retardation in children.
Treatment and Prevention Recommendations for Pediatric Epilepsy in Yanbian Area