A two-year-old girl experiences limb convulsions and coma. Could it be epilepsy?
A two-year-old baby is thin and has been crying after naps recently. No trace element test has been done, and the baby has had a sudden fever and stomach issues. What health checks are needed?
Parents may notice a strong urine odor in their baby, especially at night, which could indicate certain health issues.
The baby wakes up with closed eyes and shaking, crying, with a wet pillow and damp body. The baby’s mood is good, no fever or calcium deficiency, dressed appropriately. Seeking causes and advice for the sweating.
A regression in a child’s motor skills may indicate a need to be cautious of brain injury.
The baby’s alanine aminotransferase level is abnormal at 3 months old, how should it be handled?
A two-month-old baby had an elevated propionylcarnitine C3 value during amino acid and acylcarnitine screening at a women’s and children’s hospital in Fuyang City on August 29. How should this be handled?
If a baby suddenly has wide-open eyes and spreads their hands out in a big letter ‘A’ shape, it might be a reaction of fear or exhaustion. However, if it happens frequently or is accompanied by other unusual symptoms, it’s advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
What could be the reasons for a baby having a fever of over 39 degrees Celsius?
Early intervention can reduce the incidence of cerebral palsy by 75%, including newborn massage and physical therapy. Early detection and treatment are crucial, with the optimal prevention period being within the first 6 months. By 9 months, there are still significant benefits, but beyond the age of 1 to 2 years, symptoms can only be alleviated. Relying solely on massage and proactive care measures has limited benefits for the recovery from cerebral palsy.