Acupuncture treatment for facial paralysis typically targets specific acupoints, such as the Earth Storage Point and the Cheek Muscle Point, to alleviate symptoms.
Discussing the Application of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Facial Paralysis
Acupuncture treatment for facial paralysis should target the affected side’s acupoints, combined with facial expression exercises, and attention to warmth. It is advisable to start treatment after one week.
Patients with facial paralysis inquire whether long-term acupuncture treatment might harm the nerves, and how much acupuncture is needed.
Patients with facial paralysis who undergo acupuncture treatment typically see significant improvements within a month.
Analysis of Causes and Treatment Methods of Facial Paralysis
How should acute facial paralysis be treated?
Solutions to help children improve focus and academic performance when they become distracted
A child’s tendency to be noisy and mischievous might be a sign of ADHD, with the main symptom being inattention.
Pay attention to the diet and lifestyle of ADHD patients, as they can help improve symptoms.