
My baby is 65 days old and has been vomiting milk curds for the past two days. She doesn’t sleep much during the day and wakes up after one or two hours at night. She woke up after an hour this time, crying, and when I picked her up, she vomited milk curds and has been crying ever since.


Based on the description, a 65-day-old baby experiencing vomiting milk curds may be suffering from dyspepsia. The baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not fully developed yet. It is recommended to give probiotics to help adjust the gut flora. Additionally, you can use your palm to gently heat the baby’s abdomen and massage it in a clockwise direction, three times a day for ten minutes each time, to promote intestinal peristalsis. After each feeding, hold the baby upright and gently pat her back to expel excess air, preventing vomiting.