
Dear Sir/Madam, My daughter, currently 5 years old, has recently started to complain of pain when swallowing. I’ve noticed she has a slight cough and a low-grade fever. How should one treat the discomfort caused by pediatric tonsillitis?


Antibiotic medications are commonly used for the treatment of tonsillitis and can be chosen appropriately. In addition to systemic treatment, regional treatments can also be selected to enhance efficacy, including methods such as pus cavity irrigation and direct injection of medication into the tonsils. If the child experiences severe throat pain, it is recommended to use some painkillers to alleviate symptoms. If the child continues to have a fever that does not subside, oral antipyretic medication can be administered. In cases of repeated acute severe episodes or complications, it is advisable to perform tonsillectomy after two weeks of acute inflammation subsiding. During this period, ensure that the child gets adequate rest and consumes more vegetables and fruits.