
A boy, just 7 years old, has been found to be significantly heavier than other children over the past few weeks. He seems to eat excessively and prefers to lie down after meals. How should pediatric obesity and indifference be treated?


When a child is diagnosed with obesity, parents should first change the child’s condition through exercise and diet. They can start by teaching the child to swim, as the resistance of water during swimming is much greater than that of air during land-based exercises, leading to faster fat consumption. In terms of diet, the child should eat more foods like cucumbers, carrots, and spinach, and avoid high-calorie, high-fat foods such as cakes, dried fruits, and cookies. In daily life, it is important not to allow the child to eat snacks in bed or lie down immediately after eating, as these bad habits can also lead to fat accumulation. During the treatment of obesity, if the child’s condition is severe, it is necessary to take the child to a regular hospital for treatment.