
A four-month-old boy has recently started experiencing a sore throat, with his voice becoming hoarse. He also has a persistent low-grade fever. What symptoms might a child with tonsillitis have?


Many children may experience recurrent episodes of tonsillitis. The symptoms of tonsillitis are relatively easy to observe. The main manifestation is severe throat pain, accompanied by fever, which can be as high as 40 degrees Celsius in severe cases, and should be taken seriously. The child may feel tired and have a headache, and in severe cases, may even experience chills. At this point, the child’s tonsils may become red and swollen, and not only tonsillitis may occur, but it may also further damage the heart and kidneys, leading to serious complications such as myocarditis and nephritis. Therefore, the symptoms of tonsillitis need to be treated promptly to avoid posing a risk to the child’s life.