
A 8-year-old boy is suffering from a sore throat, severe cough, and persistent high fever. What dietary precautions should a child with tonsillitis take?


When treating pediatric tonsillitis, dietary considerations are also of great importance. It is recommended to have the child consume more fruits and vegetables, as the nutritional elements can help boost immunity and promote the repair of the tonsils. Opt for fruits with neutral properties such as apples and kiwis, and choose soft foods like congee and noodles as staple foods to avoid affecting swallowing or exacerbating the condition. Drink plenty of plain water and eat less beef, mutton, dog meat, and other foods that are prone to inflammation. Seafood should be eaten sparingly or not at all. Additionally, cultivating good living habits is also crucial, including healthy eating, early to bed and early to rise, and moderate exercise.