
Dear Baby, currently 6 years old, just started saying that her throat is sore, noticed that her coughing seems more severe as well, and she also has a bit of a fever and doesn’t seem energetic. What symptoms might appear in a child with tonsillitis?


If a child’s tonsils become inflamed, the first symptoms to appear are often a sore throat, accompanied by varying degrees of difficulty swallowing. The child may also experience fever, which could be low-grade or as high as 39-40 degrees Celsius. Along with the fever, the child may have chills and fatigue. Upon close observation, you may notice that the tonsils are red and swollen. Such diseases may also lead to more severe complications like sepsis, rheumatism, and joint disease. Therefore, it is advised that parents take their child to the doctor as soon as possible to prevent the condition from worsening and causing unnecessary harm to the child.