
My daughter is just three months old and has recently started showing signs of a sore throat, accompanied by coughing and a low-grade fever. Could this be infant tonsillitis? What symptoms might occur with infant tonsillitis?


When a child’s tonsils become inflamed, they may experience severe pain in the throat and ears, which can affect their ability to swallow normally. Fever is a common symptom, sometimes reaching as high as 40 degrees Celsius, and the child may feel weak, have a headache, or even shiver. At the same time, the mucous membranes of the throat may becomeobvious hyperemia (increase in blood flow), making it clearly visible that the tonsils are enlarged. Further progression of tonsillitis can also affect the heart and kidneys, leading to diseases such as myocarditis and nephritis. It is advisable for parents to take their child to a doctor for treatment early on to avoid the deterioration of the condition and unnecessary harm to the child.