
A boy, already 1 year old, has just started to feel a slight pain in his throat, and it seems that his coughing has become more severe. He also has a bit of a fever and seems less energetic. What are the clinical symptoms of children with tonsillitis?


Pediatric tonsillitis has been one of the more prevalent pediatric diseases in the past two years. The primary symptom is usually throat pain, which can even spread to the ears. Most children at this time also experience persistent low fever or sudden high fever. They may also have headaches, general body aches, fatigue, and chills. At this point, the tonsils are often congested, red and swollen. If not promptly addressed, complications such as rheumatism, nephritis, and sepsis may occur. Therefore, it is advised that parents take their child to the doctor as soon as possible to avoid further deterioration of the condition and unnecessary harm to the child.