My daughter is 5 years old. Initially, she said her throat was sore, and I noticed that her coughing was quite severe. Additionally, she has a persistent high fever. What common symptoms might appear with children’s tonsillitis?
Currently, acute tonsillitis is indeed quite common, and its symptoms are relatively apparent. Children often cry and fuss because of sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and may have a fever that can reach 40 degrees Celsius in severity. It is important to note that many children with a fever will also experience headaches or body aches, as well as chills. At this time, the tonsils are often in a congested state, appearing red and swollen. Moreover, such diseases may lead to more severe complications like sepsis, rheumatism, and arthritis. Therefore, it is advised that parents should take their children to the doctor as soon as possible to prevent the condition from worsening and causing unnecessary harm to the child.