
My son is 1 year old. Initially, he had a slight sore throat, accompanied by a mild cough. He also has a bit of a fever and seems lackluster. What symptoms might appear in children with tonsillitis?


When a child develops tonsillitis, they will first experience a sore throat, which may then affect the ears and potentially lead to middle ear infection. The child may also have a fever, which could be low-grade or as high as 39-40 degrees Celsius. In the presence of fever, many children also experience headaches or body aches, as well as chills. Upon close observation, you may notice that the child’s tonsils are red and swollen. If the condition worsens, more severe complications such as purulent infections could arise, even sepsis or endocarditis. It is clear that pediatric tonsillitis is a very serious condition that can even threaten the child’s life. Parents must seek treatment for their child promptly.