
Baby girl, just 9 months old, at first, said her throat hurt, noticed it, accompanied by slight coughing, and also has a low-grade fever. Please ask: What are the common symptoms of tonsillitis in children during childbirth?


If a child indeed has tonsillitis, the initial symptom is sore throat, and the child will frequently cry and struggle due to difficulty swallowing. The child usually has a fever or persistent low-grade fever, or high fever reaching 40 degrees Celsius. The child not only has a fever but may also experience chills, fatigue, and headache. At this time, the tonsils are also red and swollen. In severe cases, complications such as acute glomerulonephritis, acute rheumatic fever, and rheumatic endocarditis may occur. It is clear that pediatric tonsillitis is a very serious disease and may even threaten the child’s life. Parents must treat their children promptly.