
Rewrite according to the ask column A boy, just over 2 months old, has been complaining of a sore throat, noticed that his voice is a bit hoarse when speaking, and has had a slight fever. What common symptoms might appear in infants and young children with tonsillitis?


Rewrite according to the answer column Children who have tonsillitis often experience throat pain first, and may have difficulty swallowing food. Some may also develop a fever, ranging from persistent low-grade to high as 40 degrees Celsius. They may feel fatigue and headaches, and in severe cases, chills. The tonsils become inflamed and congested and swollen in this condition. If not addressed promptly, it may lead to complications such as rheumatism, nephritis, and sepsis. Therefore, it is recommended that parents seek medical attention immediately if they suspect their child has tonsillitis.