
My daughter is just 2 months old and has just started to complain of pain when drinking water. I’ve noticed that her coughing seems more severe as well, and she’s been a bit feverish. What are the common symptoms if a child develops tonsillitis?


The tonsils are located in the throat area, so one of the most obvious symptoms of pediatric tonsillitis is throat pain. Difficulty swallowing is also common, and some children may experience fever at this stage. The body temperature can vary; if it’s low fever, you can observe it, but if it’s high fever, it’s essential to seek medical attention. The child may also exhibit chills, fatigue, and headaches. At this point, the tonsils are often in a congested state, appearing red and swollen, and may also develop serious complications such as nephritis or sepsis, which can directly threaten life. Therefore, it is advised that parents should take their children to the doctor as soon as possible to prevent the condition from worsening and causing unnecessary harm to the child.