
My daughter is 1 year old. She recently started saying that drinking water hurts her throat. I noticed she has a slight cough and seems to have a low-grade fever that hasn’t gone away. What clinical symptoms are associated with pediatric tonsillitis?


If a child indeed has tonsillitis, the initial symptom is throat pain, and due to this, the child may frequently cry and struggle to swallow. The child may also experience varying degrees of fever, with infants possibly suffering from convulsions due to high fever. They may also have headaches, body aches, fatigue, and chills. At this point, the tonsils are also red, swollen, and congested. If the condition worsens, more severe complications may arise, including sepsis and endocarditis. It is very serious for a child to have tonsillitis, and parents should pay attention to this and take their child to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.