
My son is 7 years old. Initially, he felt a sore throat when speaking, and I noticed that he was coughing quite severely. He also had a bit of a fever and seemed lackluster. What symptoms might appear in children with tonsillitis?


Many children now experience recurrent episodes of tonsillitis, and the symptoms of tonsillitis are actually quite easy to detect. Firstly, most children will feel a sore throat, and they usually have a fever as well, either a low-grade fever or a high-grade fever reaching 40 degrees Celsius. Accompanying the fever may be chills and headaches, and most children will also feel exhausted. You can see that the child’s tonsils are red and swollen at this time, which is often due to inflammation and congestion. Moreover, such diseases may also trigger more severe complications like sepsis, rheumatism, and arthritis. The symptoms of tonsillitis can be quite serious, even life-threatening, so it is essential to seek timely treatment.