
My child is a 4-year-old boy. Initially, he said his throat hurt, and I noticed that his voice was a bit hoarse when he spoke, and he’s been running a fever. What dietary principles should be followed for a child with tonsillitis?


Tonsillitis is one of the more common diseases and requires timely treatment. While undergoing treatment, it’s important to have your child eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. The reason for this is to supplement vitamins and trace elements, which help boost immunity and aid in a quick recovery. For example, pears are cooling and have the effects of reducing fever, soothing the throat, expectorating phlegm, and relieving pain. They can alleviate the discomfort of the throat in acute tonsillitis. As for staple foods, it’s best to choose something soft and easy to swallow, like congee or noodles, to avoid affecting swallowing or causing constipation that could worsen the condition. Additionally, it’s important to avoid giving your child irritant foods such as beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood, as these can exacerbate symptoms. Complications of tonsillitis in children can be very harmful to their health, so parents must ensure their children receive proper treatment.