
What are the clinical symptoms if a child’s tonsils become inflamed? My son is 8 years old and initially had a slight pain in his throat, and it seems like swallowing is a bit difficult. Additionally, he seems to have a low-grade fever that hasn’t gone away.


When a child’s tonsils are inflamed, they experience significant pain in the throat and ears, which can affect normal swallowing. Fever is also a common symptom of tonsillitis, with severe cases potentially reaching 40 degrees Celsius, accompanied by chills and headaches. The child may also feel generally weak, with the tonsils becoming congested and red and swollen. The disease can also lead to more severe complications such as blood poisoning, rheumatism, and joint diseases. It is advisable for parents to take their child to the doctor as soon as possible to avoid the deterioration of the condition and any unnecessary harm to the child.