
A nine-year-old boy, a primary school student, has recently experienced throat pain, which is particularly uncomfortable when drinking water and difficult to swallow. He also has a slight fever and is feeling listless. What symptoms might a child experience during tonsillitis?


Tonsils are located at the back of the throat. One of the most prominent symptoms of tonsillitis in children is throat pain, accompanied by difficulty swallowing. Additionally, the child may have a fever, ranging from low-grade to as high as 39-40 degrees Celsius, and may also experience chills, fatigue, and headaches. At this time, the tonsils will appear red and swollen with congestion. It is important to note that tonsillitis can also lead to complications such as sepsis, arthritis, and skin disorders. Therefore, if parents discover that their child has tonsillitis, they should seek medical assistance immediately.