
Dear Baby, she is currently 4 years old and has just started to feel a bit of pain in her throat. I noticed that when she speaks, her voice sounds a bit hoarse, and she has been a bit feverish. What clinical symptoms may occur if a young child develops tonsillitis?


The tonsils are located in the throat area, so one of the most obvious symptoms of acute tonsillitis is sore throat. Most children will have a fever, with temperatures sometimes reaching 39-40 degrees Celsius. The child may also experience chills, fatigue, and headache. Additionally, due to the diffuse congestion of the mucous membranes in the throat, the child’s tonsils may visibly enlarge. Moreover, not only can tonsillitis occur, but further development may also involve the heart and kidneys, leading to complications such as myocarditis and nephritis. Therefore, if any of these symptoms are observed in the child, it is necessary to seek medical attention promptly to avoid complications.