
My daughter is 1 year old. Initially, she said she felt pain when swallowing, and I noticed that her coughing seemed more severe. Moreover, she now has a persistent high fever. What are the symptoms of pediatric tonsillitis?


Many children now suffer from recurrent episodes of tonsillitis, and the symptoms are actually quite easy to spot. Firstly, most children will experience a sore throat, with most also developing a fever, with temperatures sometimes reaching as high as 39-40 degrees Celsius. Along with the fever, children may also exhibit symptoms like chills and fatigue. At this point, you can also see that the tonsils are red and swollen, which is often due to inflammation and congestion. If the condition worsens, more severe complications may arise, including conditions like sepsis and endocarditis. Therefore, it is advised that parents should seek medical treatment for their children as soon as possible to prevent the condition from deteriorating further and causing unnecessary harm to the child.