
At What Age Should I Wean My Baby?


Before deciding to wean your baby, it is important to prepare adequately and not to do it abruptly. You should start by gradually increasing the intake of complementary foods rather than taking a sudden approach. Gradually reduce the number of breastfeeding sessions while increasing the frequency and quantity of supplementary foods until breastfeeding is completely stopped. When weaning, the baby may cry and show signs of discomfort. It is important to provide more comfort to the child or offer toys, storytelling, etc., to help the child overcome the need for suckling. Avoid abruptly and forcibly refusing to let the baby suckle, or applying chili peppers, rhubarb, etc., on the nipples to give the child a strong sensation of discomfort. This can lead to the baby not being able to adapt to the sudden change in diet structure, resulting in crying and fussiness for several days, lack of energy, unwillingness to eat, and emaciation, affecting their development, and even causing illness. Before weaning your child, lay a solid foundation and gradually change the child’s dietary structure to help them develop a habit of eating supplementary foods.