
A boy, already 1 year old, has just started to feel a bit of pain in his throat, and he is coughing quite severely. At the same time, he has a persistent high fever. What symptoms might a child with tonsillitis show?


Pediatric tonsillitis is one of the more common pediatric diseases in recent years. The main symptom is throat pain, which can also spread to the ears in severe cases. Most children will have a fever, with temperatures sometimes reaching 39-40 degrees Celsius in severe cases. Children may also experience symptoms such as chills and fatigue. The tonsils may become red and swollen, and they are usually slightly enlarged. Severe cases may lead to complications such as acute glomerulonephritis, acute rheumatic fever, and rheumatic myocarditis. Therefore, pediatric tonsillitis is a serious condition that requires early detection and treatment.