
A 12-year-old boy experienced throat pain during school, which was more pronounced when drinking water, and his voice became slightly hoarse. He had a persistent low-grade fever that did not subside. What clinical symptoms may occur during pediatric tonsillitis?


The tonsils are located in the throat area. When they become inflamed, one of the most prominent symptoms is throat pain, accompanied by difficulty swallowing. In addition, children may experience fever, whether it’s a low-grade fever or a high-grade fever of 39-40 degrees Celsius, along with symptoms such as headache, body ache, weakness, and chills. At this time, the tonsils may appear red and swollen and could lead to severe complications such as nephritis or sepsis, posing a threat to life. Therefore, parents should pay great attention to pediatric tonsillitis and seek medical treatment for their child as soon as possible.