
Dear parents, my daughter is just 4 months old. Initially, she complained of a sore throat, and it seems she has difficulty swallowing. She also has a low-grade fever. What symptoms might indicate pediatric tonsillitis?


Many children now experience recurrent tonsillitis, and the symptoms of tonsillitis are actually quite noticeable. Firstly, most children will feel a sore throat, often accompanied by a fever, which can range from a low-grade fever to high temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius. Accompanying the fever may be chills, fatigue, and headaches. The tonsils are usually congested, red and swollen, and may also lead to serious complications such as nephritis and sepsis, which can directly threaten life. Therefore, it is advised that parents should take their child to the doctor for treatment as soon as possible to prevent the condition from worsening and causing unnecessary harm to the child.