
A 7-year-old boy has just started to complain that drinking water feels painful in his throat. He also seems to be coughing more severely. Additionally, he has a persistent high fever. What symptoms might a child experience if they have tonsillitis?


Most children with tonsillitis will feel a sore throat, with the pain intensifying during swallowing. They may also have fever, possibly low-grade or even high fever reaching 39-40 degrees Celsius. The child may also exhibit headaches and may have body aches, which can be severe. They may also experience chills and fatigue. At this time, the tonsils are red and swollen, and in severe cases, complications such as acute glomerulonephritis, acute rheumatic fever, or rheumatic endocarditis may occur. Therefore, I advise this parent that if their child indeed has the above symptoms, they must seek medical treatment promptly.