
My son is 9 years old. He recently started complaining of a sore throat, accompanied by a slight cough and a low-grade fever. How should I treat his tonsillitis effectively, as it is quite painful?


Antibiotic medications are commonly used for the treatment of tonsillitis and can be chosen appropriately. You can also combine this with some local treatment methods, such as tonsil crypt irrigation and tonsil injections, which are also effective. If the child’s sore throat is particularly severe, it is recommended to use painkillers to relieve symptoms. If there is a fever, choose a method to lower the temperature based on the body temperature; below 38.5 degrees Celsius, physical cooling can be used, while above 38.5 degrees Celsius, oral antipyretics can be taken. If there are multiple acute severe episodes or complications have already occurred, it is recommended to perform tonsillectomy after the acute inflammation subsides for two weeks. During the treatment period, it is important to ensure the child gets adequate nutrition, with a diet mainly consisting of light foods, and to ensure they get plenty of rest and avoid fatigue.