
My daughter is 9 years old. Initially, she felt pain when drinking water and coughing was quite severe. She also had a slight fever and seemed lackluster. How should I treat her severe painful tonsillitis?


In terms of treatment, it is generally recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions and administer some symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication to the child. Additionally, regional treatments can be performed, including tonsil crypt irrigation, tonsil intralesional injections, and laser therapy. If the child’s throat pain is severe, painkillers can be administered. Children with fever symptoms can take antipyretic medications. In severe cases, it is advisable to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If there are multiple acute severe episodes or complications, it is recommended to perform tonsillectomy after two weeks of acute inflammation subsiding. During the treatment period, it is important to ensure the child receives adequate nutrition, with a diet mainly consisting of light and easy-to-digest foods. It is also important to ensure the child gets plenty of rest and avoids fatigue.