What should I do if my baby stops drinking milk before bedtime after recovering from a fever?
After your baby has recovered from a fever, you may notice that they no longer want to drink milk before going to sleep at night. This could be because, during the fever, their body temperature rose and their energy consumption was higher, leading to a reduced need for food or milk after the fever subsides. However, it could also be due to pathological reasons, such as infections or other underlying health issues that have caused your baby’s appetite to diminish. Firstly, you can try using alcohol to bathe your baby to help lower their temperature, which will make them more comfortable. Next, you should take your baby to see a doctor to determine the cause of the fever. Fever can be caused by various reasons, most commonly infections, but it could also be symptoms of other diseases such as connective tissue disorders or malignant tumors. Do not rush to give your baby medication before identifying the cause. Remember, each baby’s situation is unique, and sometimes their dietary habits change over time. If you are concerned about your baby’s changing eating habits or have other questions about your baby’s health, please consult a doctor for professional advice.