
A 7-year-old boy, who is in elementary school, started complaining of a sore throat. Upon inspection, he was found to have a slight cough and now has a persistent high fever. How should red swelling of pediatric tonsillitis be treated?


The treatment of red swelling in pediatric tonsillitis can involve selecting sensitive antibiotic medications based on bacterial cultures. Along with systemic treatment, regional treatments can also be chosen to enhance efficacy, such as tonsil pocket irrigation and direct injection of medication into the tonsil. If the child experiences severe throat pain, it is recommended to administer painkillers according to the situation. Some children may also have fever symptoms, in which case oral fever-reducing medications can be given. If symptoms do not alleviate, it is essential to seek medical attention. These are common treatment methods, but if the tonsillitis recurs frequently, it is advisable to consider surgery as early as possible. During treatment, it’s important to ensure the child receives adequate nutrition, maintain a light diet, and get plenty of rest to avoid fatigue.