
How much weight does a 15-month-old baby usually gain in a month?


Generally speaking, a 15-month-old baby experiences a slowdown in growth rate, unlike during the infant period. Babies go through rapid growth in the first few months after birth, but as they grow older, the growth rate gradually slows down. Typically, at this age, a baby may not gain much weight in a month, usually between a few hundred grams to one kilogram, with specific numbers varying due to individual differences. However, if the baby’s growth curve remains stable and is under the supervision of medical departments, this is normal. Additionally, to promote the healthy growth of the baby, consider adding foods rich in vitamins B and amino acids, such as whole grains, fish, green vegetables, and eggs, which are beneficial for the baby’s growth and development. It’s worth noting that as the baby grows to a certain extent, weight gain tends to stabilize, which is a normal physiological process.