
Dear parents, my daughter is currently 8 years old and has just started experiencing a sore throat while speaking. She also has a slight cough and it seems like she’s had a low-grade fever that hasn’t subsided. How should we treat her pediatric tonsillitis to ensure effective relief?


In clinical treatment of pediatric tonsillitis, antibiotics are primarily used, and the choice of medication can be based on the sensitivity test of the bacteria, which is quite effective. Additionally, regional medication sprays or laser therapy can be considered, especially if the child’s throat pain is severe. It is recommended to use some painkillers to relieve symptoms. If there is also a fever, some antipyretic medication can be taken. In case of high fever, it is advisable to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Apart from these medication treatments, if the child frequently experiences inflammation, parents can consult with a doctor to consider surgical treatment. At the same time, attention should also be paid to arranging a reasonable diet and lifestyle habits for the child to help the disease recover as soon as possible.