
A 10-year-old boy, a primary school student, initially felt a sore throat and difficulty swallowing, accompanied by a persistent low-grade fever. How should crying caused by pediatric tonsillitis be treated?


When treating this condition, appropriate antibiotic medications can be administered to the child, along with regional treatment methods such as tonsil crypt irrigation and tonsil injection medications, all of which are effective. If the child experiences severe throat pain, painkillers may be recommended to relieve discomfort. In cases of low-grade fever, physical cooling (temperature reduction) can be employed. If the body temperature exceeds 38.5°, immediate medical attention should be sought. The aforementioned methods are common treatments, but if the child’s tonsillitis recurs frequently, it is advisable to consider early surgery. Finally, parents are reminded to give sufficient attention to this condition, seek medical treatment for their child as soon as possible, and pay attention to relevant precautions in daily life.