
What are the symptoms of gastric ductitis? How is it treated?


The symptoms of gastric ductitis often manifest as a feeling of bloating or pain in the upper abdomen, which can be mild or severe and usually occurs in a periodic pattern. It may be accompanied by belching, acid regurgitation, burning sensation in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and in some cases, bleeding. Some individuals may not exhibit any symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine has unique methods for treating gastric ductitis. It is recommended to use traditional Chinese herbs such as black ash, black jujube, walnuts, tangerine, angelica, amomum, magnolia bark, trichosanthes, pangolin, incised rhizome, malt, upper jia, lower jia, safflower, Hainan chen, iron gall powder, beeswax, honey, and propolis for treatment. These remedies are effective and can quickly alleviate symptoms with precise therapeutic effects. Many patients experience a cure without recurrence. These unique traditional Chinese medicine formulas for treating gastric diseases can directly target the root cause, rapidly repair the gastric mucosa, enhance the gastric mucosal barrier, eliminate the source of the disease, and ultimately achieve a complete cure. I hope you receive proper treatment and recover soon!