
The ultrasound at 32 weeks shows a size two weeks less than the gestational age, with the onset date being April 10, 2010. Laboratory test results: biparietal diameter 78mm, head circumference 287mm, abdominal circumference 248mm, femur length 57mm, placenta Grade I, located on the anterior wall, amniotic fluid index 63mm, B-ultrasound suggests 30+ weeks.


Disease Analysis: During a B-ultrasound examination at 32 weeks of pregnancy, it was found that the fetus is smaller than the actual gestational age by two weeks. It cannot be determined solely based on a single examination result whether there is intrauterine developmental delay. Previous examination results should be referred to. If the size of the fetus has been normal in previous checks but the current result is smaller, it is recommended to undergo appropriate treatment to improve the fetus’s blood supply, oxygenation, and nutritional status.