The patient asks about the issue of frequent hiccups, even when fasting, and hopes to receive suggestions for improvement.
It is recommended to use acupuncture and cupping to unblock the meridians, with specific steps including:
- Harmonize the spleen and stomach, moving the cup along the Stomach meridian from the root of the thigh at the gallbladder point down the lateral front edge of the lower limb to the foot. Move the Spleen meridian from the middle of the inguinal region down the lateral front edge of the thigh to the foot’s Pubis acupoint.
- Unblock and harmonize the Qi of the organs to elevate clear Qi and descend turbid Qi by moving cups along the back Shu points and Du meridian.
- Leave cups at acupoints such as Stomach 36, Pericardium 6, Middle Mansion, Qi Hai, Diaphragm point, Stomach point, Spleen point, Three Yin Meeting Point, Middle Dantian, Neiting, and Shénqu. Needling may be necessary.