
My child was born with a missing joint in the little finger, which also curves inward. They also have deep-set eyes and shorter legs. Could this be a symptom of Down Syndrome?


Based on the description, the child’s symptoms are similar to those seen in children with 21-trisomy syndrome (Down Syndrome). Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by intellectual disability, developmental delays, and distinctive facial and physical features. Affected children may have wide eye spacing, a flat nasal bridge, small eyes, eyes that slant outward, epicanthal folds, small ears, a narrow jaw, a tongue that often sticks out, excessive drooling; short stature, a smaller head circumference than normal, delayed bone age, delayed tooth eruption, short limbs, overly curved joints, stubby fingers, and inwardly curved little fingers. It is recommended to consult a hospital for a definitive diagnosis to obtain professional medical advice and treatment. Wishing your child a speedy recovery.