
My son is 1 year old. He recently complained of a sore throat and I noticed he has a slight cough. He has also had a slight fever. How should I treat his pediatric tonsillitis with crying?


In terms of treatment, it is generally recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions and give the child some symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. Regional treatment options can also be considered, such as tonsil crypt irrigation and intratonsillar injections. If the child has severe throat pain, painkillers can be given as needed. If the child still has a fever, it is appropriate to consider giving some antipyretic medication. However, if the fever persists, it is essential to seek medical attention promptly. For those with recurrent inflammatory episodes, surgical treatment may be considered. After the condition improves, it is advisable to encourage the child to engage in moderate exercise to boost their immunity and prevent recurrence.