
My son is 2 years old, and he has recently been suffering from a sore throat, severe coughing, and fever. How should we treat pediatric tonsillitis?


For treatment, it is recommended to follow the physician’s advice to administer symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication to the child. Regional rinsing or spraying can also be considered, as well as injecting the appropriate medication into the tonsils, which can be effective. If the child experiences severe throat pain, painkillers may be used to alleviate symptoms, and physical cooling methods can be employed for low-grade fever. If the body temperature exceeds 38.5℃, it is important to seek medical attention promptly. In addition to medication, if the child’s tonsillitis recurs frequently, it is advisable to consider surgical treatment. Parents should always ensure warmth to prevent colds from triggering a recurrence of tonsillitis.